OCD & Anxiety Center

Chesapeake, VA

Let us help you take control of your obsessive compulsive disorder, anxiety, and panic

Are you tired of OCD, trauma, or anxiety controlling your life?

Do you wish you could manage intrusive and unwanted thoughts more effectively?

Is your inability to refrain from overthinking wearing you down?

Do you want freedom from the intrusive images trauma has created?

Do you want to be happier?

I can help

ERP Intensives for OCD

more frequent or longer sessions that allows you to improve your ability to manage your ocd symptoms more consistently while learning to not engage in compulsive behaviors. This can accelerate the overall progress compared to traditional weekly sessions.

EMDR Intensives for Trauma

Extended EMDR sessions create an environment for intensified engagement. You will be able to fully dedicate your time and energy to confronting and processing your trauma, which may lead to breakthroughs and insights that could be more challenging to achieve in the typical once weekly sessions.

Prolonged Exposure Therapy Intensives for Trauma

Intensive PE involves extended and more frequent sessions that allows for more in-depth exploration of trauma-related memories, triggers, and associated emotions.

Therapy is changing. Weekly therapy, while helpful and useful, often leads to months or years of therapy. We often need to spend several mintues at the beinning and end of the session checking in and then wrapping up. Often this only leave 20 - 25 minutes of therapeutic work.

What if you could reduce the longterm amount of time you spend in therapy?

What if you could address your trauma or OCD in weeks instead of months? Months instead of years?

Intensives allow us to go deeper and resolve issues and problems more quickly because we spend a lot of time focused on those problems and issues, and less time on checking in and wrapping up.

I can help!

Reach out today for a free consult.